Chapter 3. User Interface (LMS-UI)

Table of Contents
3.1. Login
3.2. Administration
3.2.1. Info
3.2.2. Users
3.2.3. New user
3.2.4. Backups
3.3. Customers
3.3.1. List
3.3.2. New Customer
3.3.3. Search
3.3.4. Groups
3.3.5. New Group
3.3.6. Notices
3.3.7. Reports
3.4. Nodes
3.4.1. List
3.4.2. New Node
3.4.3. Search
3.4.4. Notices
3.4.5. Reports
3.5. Net Devices
3.5.1. List
3.5.2. New device
3.5.3. Search
3.5.4. Map
3.6. IP Networks
3.6.1. List
3.6.2. New Network
3.7. Finances
3.7.1. Tariffs List
3.7.2. New Tariff
3.7.3. Payments list
3.7.4. New payment
3.7.5. Balance sheet
3.7.6. New Balance
3.7.7. Invoices list
3.7.8. New Invoice
3.7.9. Cash Registry
3.7.10. New Cash Receipt
3.7.11. Import
3.7.12. Export
3.7.13. Reports
3.8. Documents
3.8.1. List
3.8.2. New document
3.8.3. Documents Generator
3.8.4. Access Rights
3.9. Hosting
3.9.1. Accounts
3.9.2. New Account
3.9.3. Aliases
3.9.4. New Alias
3.9.5. Domains
3.9.6. New Domain
3.9.7. Search
3.9.8. Examples
3.10. Messages
3.10.1. List
3.10.2. New message
3.10.3. Configuration
3.11. Reload
3.12. Stats
3.12.1. Filter
3.12.2. Compacting
3.12.3. Reports
3.13. Helpdesk
3.13.1. Queues List
3.13.2. New queue
3.13.3. Searching
3.13.4. New ticket
3.13.5. Reports
3.14. Timetable
3.14.1. Timetable (Task list)
3.14.2. New event
3.14.3. Search
3.15. Configuration
3.15.1. User Interface
3.15.2. Tax Rates
3.15.3. Number plans
3.15.4. Divisions
3.15.5. Hosts
3.15.6. Daemon

LMS User Interface is basically administration panel available via Web interface that can be used to create and manage customer and computers (nodes) data and containing numerous features such as: You're able to bind computer data to your customers and assign it to given network. You're also able to define users liabilities and manage your network finances. You can search in user and computer data quickly, send mass mailing to specific user groups, define access to this UI for selected users and with fine grained access rights. Additionally you can track your bandwidth usability statistics, create backups of your database online and configuration and management of your services. Those are only selected features of LMS-UI, so read on to find description of all features.

3.1. Login

After you enter LMS installation URL in your Web browser, you'll be prompted with login screen, where you need to enter correct username and password. All passwords in database are stored in encrypted form.

If it's your first session with LMS, and you don't have any account created yet, you'll be redirected to new user account screen. At this moment you have only access to this one module, so that you can create your initial account.